Anti Spam for word press
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Best WordPress Plugins for Anti Spam

You’ve finally done it, your site is gaining traction, and you’re getting more traffic than ever before. However, once your site starts to pick up your traffic, you might also notice the rise of something else, too: spam comments.

If you run a WordPress blog or website and have comments enabled, then you’re probably well aware of the spam comments that fill your inbox. These can be a nuisance to sort through and delete yourself, but you don’t want to stop moderating comments and have spam comments fill up your site.

Luckily, if you’re using WordPress, then there’s a way around this. There are dozens of anti-spam plugins you can use to help ward off those pesky spam comments.

Below we profile 5 of the top anti-spam plugins you can use on your WordPress site.

1. Akismet

Akismet is one of the most popular and longest running WordPress anti spam plugins. Automattic, the team behind WordPress, developed this plugin. If you’ve done a default installation of WordPress, then this plugin comes atomically installed.

However, to use this plugin you’ll need an API key, which is free and easy to setup. However, if you run a large commercial website, and need to moderate over 50,0000 comments per month, you’ll want to upgrade to a paid plan.

Whenever a new comment is submitted to your site, Akismet runs through their cloud-based algorithm, and filters out any spam comments.

This is not completely free.



2. Antispam Bee

Antispam Bee is a simple and free spam protection plugin. It doesn’t require you to register or setup an account, just install the plugin and you’ll be set. To filter out spam this plugin compares spam requests to an existing spam database, uses IP address checks, and Gravatar validating.

Plus, this plugin will show the statistical data of spam requests blocked and filtered. There’s also a feature that will delete any stored spam every couple of days, so it won’t slow down your site. If you’re looking for a simple spam solution, then this plugin is worth trying out.


3. WP-SpamShield

WP-SpamShield is a very effective way to automate spam protection. It offers two levels of protection to help protect your site from spam. The first layer of protection works to block most automated spam tools, while the second layer uses an algorithm to filter out any spam requests that have made it past the first layer of protection.

You’ll also be able to protect your site against spam via comments and contact form spam. The plugin even integrates with other commonly used plugins like Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, and Contact Form 7.

If you’ve been struggling with a ton of bot-created spam, this this is a great tool to use.


4. AntiSpam by Cleantalk

AntiSpam by Cleantalk operates in a similar manner to Akismet, using a cloud-based system to evaluate spam comments. However, you can also create blacklists that will block requests from certain locations, IP addresses, emails and more.

With this plugin, you’ll be able to monitor spam comments and registrations across your comments, contact forms, registration pages, checkout pages, and much more. Basically, you’ll be protected across any area a spam comment might occur.

This plugin is currently offering a free trial, along with an $8 per year commitment.


5. WordPress Zero Spam

WordPress Zero Spam is an anti spam plugin that’s very easy to setup. There’s no need for any APIs or a complex setup process. It’s not quite as feature heavy as the other anti spam plugins on this list, but it’s free, quick to setup, and will get the job done.

This plugin helps block spam comments and spam account registration. Plus, it also integrates with Contact Form 7, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms, and Ninja Forms, so your site will be spam free regardless of which contact form plugin you’re using.

If you’re having issues with spam comments on your existing WordPress site, or you want to protect yourself before it becomes an issue, then consider using one of the plugins above.










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